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Debt Consolidation


Debt Consolidation Info:
Saving Money for Retirement
-Do-It-Yourself Debt Relief
-Causes of Debt
-Controlling Credit Card Debt
-Eliminating Credit Card Debt
-Compute Credit Card Debt
-Total Interest Calculator
-Basics of Collection Agencies
-Accounts in Collections
-Debt that is Not Yours
-Student Consolidation Guide
-Bankruptcy Alternatives
-Get Debt Free in 2007!

-Debt Advice

Auto Loans
Personal Loans
Credit Reports
Credit Cards

 -Managing Money
 -Credit Help
 -Checking Accounts


After all your bills are paid and your check book is balanced, do you find yourself with little or no money to put towards savings every month? Have you given up on developing saving for your financial future? Don't despair! Below are some helpful tips that will help you manage your debt and money so that you can put away some savings every month! Taking the seven day money challenge will also help you determine areas of your spending that need to be altered.

It is the little things that add up!
Financial security can be achieved even on a moderate income. Its all about being a wise spender. An important point to remember is that all of the little things add up.

Monthly expenses like rent, mortgages, car loans, or student loans are fixed. The variable expenditures are what can really get out of control. For example, buying low cost items like CDs, books, etc.; and doing things like buying lunch and breakfast everyday seem innocent because they do not cost much. However, if you buying lunch every day for $10, will cost you around $3000/annually. Do the same math with other items you by on daily or regularly.

You can save!
You may need to 'find' money in order to save. Meaning, you can make your own lunch every day instead of buying, allowing you to save $10. You can take the extra $50/week and invest the money into your 401(k) or open an IRA. This money will start to add up fairly quickly! Read some information on money saving techniques.

Its all about control! BUDGET!
You still need to live life. Do not eliminate every expense that results in your enjoyment, i.e. going out for dinner or the movies. Below are some tips that can help you control your finances. Learn more about budgeting.

  -- Track every penny you spend. This will allow you to see exactly how much you are spending on a week-to-week basis. You will also see how all of the small ticket items you buy add up to big costs.

  -- Don't use credit cards, pay with cash only! This will help eliminate buying on impulse.

  -- When looking to buy large ticket items that cost more than $100, wait a few days before you make your purchase. You may decide during this time that you really do not need or want the item.

Finance Tidbit:
Applying for used auto loans is one of the best means of re-establishing your credit, or establishing a positive credit history. Build credit with a used car loan today!

Information on how to save money!

Related Reading:
Making Bad Credit Worse


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