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Below are some great suggestions that will help you save on your auto insurance coverage. It is also recommended that you read the 'Car Insurance Basics' section and familiarize yourself with the common auto insurance terms.

-- Shop around and get different quotes from at least three companies.

-- About once a year you should compare your plan and rates to the rates offered by different companies to see if you can obtain a better deal for a similar plan.

-- You can take a defensive driving course to lower your auto insurance premium rates and to eliminate points off of your license.

-- Research to see if your auto insurance carrier offers membership discounts. It is likely you will have to pull this information from them. They are not going to just offer it to you.

-- If your license is clean, or cleaner than it has been in the past, ask about discounts for your positive driving record.

-- Multiple cars should be insured under the same policy to receive a discount.

-- Utilizing the same company that issues your home owners insurance for your auto coverage will also result in a discounted rate.

-- If you can, pay your premium in full rather than finance payments over 6 - 12 months.

-- Safety features such as anti-lock breaks, air-bags, alarm, etc. will result in discounts.

-- Be a safe, smart driver!

-- Once a year, go over your policy and make sure that you do not have coverage that overlaps with other types of coverage you have. For example, don't buy personal injury protection auto coverage if you already receive health insurance.

-- Maintain a positive credit rating. In today's age, many insurance companies will utilize your credit history when determine whether or not to grant policies and what your rates should be. Learn how you can improve and build your credit. Get a free copy of your credit report.

-- If you own an older car, think about eliminating collision insurance. Try and figure out how much collision insurance costs and how much your car is worth. Is the insurance worth it?

-- If your child goes to college away from home, take them off of the policy.

-- Have your child take a defensive driving course. Many car insurance carriers will offer a discount for this type of practice.

-More auto insurance info



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